Tim Elrick

The main ideas behind our latest lecture concerned the principles of mixed medium, and how the application of various mediums can be combined creating visual works of art. In this context, a medium represents any tool used to convey a concept. The forms these medias can take include acrylic paint, chalk, charcoal, sand, watercolor, and tempera. It remains vital that we are successful in translating architecture through mixing media. All of these remain methods of representation that help us as designers articulate what we are thinking. Mixing media offers different perspectives all at once, and is able to tell a story through its live identity.

As we often times find ourselves developing series upon series of drawings, mixed media is able to tie everything together. In fact, it stresses the importance of thinking of your work in various perspectives simultaneously. This means of conveying concepts breaks conventional boundaries of size as well, manipulating the world in the way we perceive it. Relating this focus to our previous discussions, we find it evident once again how everything is in layers, whether it is physically or digitally.