Arch 916-02 Special Topics: Qing Cun Old Town, Shanghai

Site: Journey

Alex Griffin

Within the gradient of the labarinth maze, exists a filter of porousity. A 'Lueng Fueng' that drifts between the intimate and uncovered spaces. 

Courtyard Journey

Alex Griffin

Journey through one of the courtyard spaces that exemplifies an experience of passage, filter, connection, and porosity within the larger context of the neighborhood. 

Site Study : Water as Medium

Alex Griffin

Porous - (of a rock or other material) having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass. 

Porosity - The quality of being porous, or full of tiny holes. Stems from the greek word, poros, meaning 'pore', which means passage

Passage - The act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something.     Journey

Threshold - A point of entry or beginning.