Assignment 05

Austin Samson

Assignment 05

The final assignment requires students to assemble their animations and diagrams into an architectural “trailer” of their precedent. Students will investigate sequencing their animations to tell a choreographed short story of their assigned precedent study. Included in the video should be diagrams, images, and text used to explain all the spatial relationships created through the first 4 assignments. Students may also experiment with sound, but this is not required. Please see below for an online article which explores the role of film trailers through the history of movies. Students can utilize certain cinematic effects like transitions, moving text, fade in, and fade out, to properly sequence their animations into their final trailer. Students will have 2 weeks to complete this assignment. A “rough draft” of the final animation will be due after the first week for review and comment. Students will then have a final week to edit or fine tune their animations before turning in their final movie.