Site Analysis

Ewelina Olechowska and Jennifer Lee Michaliszyn

As a means to investigate the existing site conditions addressing the water's edge, these rough trace overlays explore the elements of porosity, connectivity, and visual relationships within Qing Cun. Areas of intervention become identified as I continue to discover opportunities where these qualities can be enhanced as a means to revitalize the village. 

Site Investigation 1: This overlay identifies the main circulation routes within the site and highlights the areas that branch off as a means to show the diversity of porous conditions along the two prevalent paths on site. The Old Street is identified in red as being primary and the opposing path across the canal is in green. The dashed moments in squares mark the areas where direct passages cut through the main path towards the water's edge and can be better utilized to draw individuals to the canal. 

Site Investigation 2: I sought to analyze the moments identified in my first site investigation by identifying the direct passages to the water and highlighting the buildings that are being viewed once at the edge. It was interesting to note how much direct access is available on the west portion of the village, and how little is available in the center-where the major activity is prevalent. 

Site Investigation 3: I further highlight the major porous routes by identifying the buildings which address them towards one's progression the water. I establish a system of hierarchy within the diversity of these porous moments: 

Means of approaching the water through the designated paths vary based on:

  1. The extent of the size of the paths 
  2. The extent of the circulation and activity within/around the paths
  3. The availability/quality of views from the paths 


Site Investigation 4: I take on the the west portion of the site and identify the areas where I see the most potential to intervene based on the conclusions and relationships I have drawn from my investigations so far. I feel that this portion of the site has a rich potential to revitalize the existing greenery and gardens, and can be further enhanced with program that involves a community gardens and kitchen, where the growing, cultivating, and then cooking and eating of the food on site can occur in an interactive, community setting. 

Site Investigation 5: I expand on my methodologies to intervene by looking at the extents of the entire site. I believe there is potential to bring life to the central areas of the site along the water by opening up views and giving the residents better opportunities to interact with the canal's edge. I propose removing a small handful of existing buildings and potentially introduce platforms/docks that can serve as areas of retreat.