Music and Architecture: Transcriptions of Music to a Physical Form

Slide 1

  • Introduce the concept of my thesis

Slide 2

  • Say your thesis statement and explain how you got to this and what influenced your initial idea.

Slide 3

  • Describe your word diagram, and how you ordered and structured it the way that you did. 

  • Explain the hierarchy with larger words, and what the colors signify, in terms of how the words were grouped.

Slide 4

  • Talk about your five key words and indicate why they are the most important. Music is important in your life. Sequence as a theme in your studio projects. Structure as in musical structure. Notation as the main thing to produce. Hierarchy, not only in an architectural sense.

Slide 5

  • Being that my projects about music and my discourse map, highlights three current topics that relate to music in architecture today.

Slide 6

  • Introduced destroyed our house as a president in Howell Stephen Hall used music to ultimately design the main building form.

  • Bring up his concept of architectonics of music.

Slide 7

  • Talk about Arbor Park Center as a concept of music and highlight the ideas of theme and variation as shown in your diagram of it and plan.

  • Talk about the column arrangement and building form as influenced by a musical piece composed by Arvo Part

Slide 8

  • Musical theory and musical notation- the two tables highlight some of the components for musical composition and the relevance to your project.

Slide 9

  • Talk about Steven Holl’s studio at Columbia, and how he tried to introduce his own methodology of transcribing music into built form with the idea of working with contemporary music for students to transcribe in their own way.

Slide 10 & 11

  • Explain the relevance of these two projects on their approach, to how they transcribed music and ultimately designed their buildings.

  • For the composition project, highlight the idea of notes, not only representing space, but also how this student tested these notes by hitting them to produce different sounds to indicate different special conditions. 

  • They’re modes of testing, help them achieve their desired results

Slide 12, 13, 14

  • Talk about the way that you’ve developed your initial idea for design testing.