Digital Explorations in Section, Plan and Axon. 

Throughout the time spent in Qing Cun, there was this journey and path we took throughout the Old Street, and these images are the explorations visually into that journey along the path of Old Qing Cun. 

1. Section_10/04/14 Explores the sectional qualities across the canal, contrasting the density within the Old Street to the openness across the Canal. The section was taken through both Courtyards that are currently under construction. 

2. Linkage Section Diagram_10/15/14 These are the areas of discovery that I found to be integral for my own personal exploration along the Canal. These areas begin to link to each other to create pockets of the Qing Cun character. 

3. Section-Perspective Character_10/14/14 I want to understand the character of the site and all of its unique qualities. This exploration included the sifting through of many photos to find these perspectives I have outlined in red. The perspectives themselves outline the qualities of space that had a great sense of life. 

4.Residential Path_10/19/14 Tells the story of my journey along the path, and the people I saw and what they were doing over our time in Qing Cun. There was this great sense of community I wanted to explore using this narrative and diagram. The red dots in the diagram represent the people, and where I had seen people casually gathering, and the paths and journeys they were taking. 

5. Textures Area of Interest_10/23/14 This image is a combination of the edges and their diversity in the area I would like to explore the most. There is a great deal of material and liveliness in this area, as it is the "gateway" into the area and is situated between three main axis. 

As I continue: I would like to continue to work in this area and create a place where the residents and others as well can have a sense of union. As I have labeled this exploration "Reunion" I would like to explore the idea of creating a place for gathering, maybe on a larger scale. I want to do this so Qing Cun will have this sense of nostalgia within new visitors who will come back to see old friends, and for the residents to gather and unite with old friends.