Through the analysis of three different museums, we were able to identify various concepts and ideas that shape the way architects think. However, there is one common denominator that holds constant for the process of any work, and that is everything stems from drawing. In the words of Louis I. Khan, “We draw to find out”. This could not be truer. Throughout the lecture, a reoccurring theme that proved to provide a visually appealing and informative hub was the importance of diagramming. Everything from plan to section, geometry, additive and subtractive, and symmetry and balance focuses will open up worlds of knowledge. It is equally important that you don’t clutter your diagrams with unnecessary noise or too much information.
Going on a tour of the Kimbell Art Museum Piano Pavilion, Kimbell Art Museum, and Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, the class was exposed to the driving principle of light, and how it is the giver of all presences. Architects must become familiar with manipulating materials that work in sync with the shadows that belong to light, positively altering the entire atmosphere of a space if done correctly. The notion of separating components in diagrams to highlight specific details is a fact that I found most useful, and will look to implore in future projects. By accumulating various mechanisms and pieces of history with technology, we as architects will be able to build the field of architecture to heights that were never thought possible.